Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Some one wrote, yes, there is life after 40 ..... Oh yes, I know, there is even life after 50 and 60. But what about after 70. Some of us have the privilege to live after the age of 70 years. Three scores and 10, according to the Bible. When I was at International Music camp I was amazed how many pensioners were still going strong on their musical instruments or voice. It was very uplifting.
After being home a week I visited my friend who just moved into a personal care home. She thought she was moving into another apartment and would get full care there. She wondered what she was doing in this place with all these people. When I stepped into her room it felt like I stepped into a cage. It made me think of my birds who have always lived in a cage and do not know any better. This friend of mine has lived a very active life until about a year ago. Her memory was beginning to slip and some physical problems began to surface. She is not much older than me.
Is that what is waiting for me, being left in a personal care home. I know the care will be excellent, but all you have is your one room and no privacy, no lock on the door .....
The threat gave me a downward look on life and I felt down the rest of the day. On one hand it is a "downer" but on the other hand it spurs me on to do the things I still want to do in life, if the Lord will let me. It is such a comfort to know that God is in control of my life. Nothing will happen to me without His consent. All I need to do is trust Him. Even writing this blog uplifts me and gives me courage to keep going as long as I can. Thank you Lord for the comfort you give.
As David puts it so rightly in Psalm 121:8 "The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever." What a precious promise to hang on to.

1 comment:

Mary Haskett said...

Dear Addy,

I too am in that stage of my life. I turned 76 on the day you posted your blog. I relate to the thoughts you expressed.But, like you, I must and will soldier on as long as the Lord allows me to do so. Let us with joy press on to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus--and with a smile. Right!